Life coaching

20 September, 2011

Life coaching is becoming increasingly popular as a means for us to gain support in making the changes we want to in life, helping us to fulfil our potential.

Coaching is a confidential, equal partnership between coach and client. You work together as a team to help you identify what you want and decide on goals to achieve this. Your coach will help you to look at solutions rather than focus on problems. Life coaching can offer a variety of life skills and management tools to help meet these goals.

What conditions is it used for?

Life coaching can be used by anyone at any stage in their lives to help bring about positive change. Life coaching can give you a deeper sense of life fulfilment by empowering you to lead a life based on your values. It can also help you to feel more confident and effective at work, to increase your self esteem and energy levels and to feel more balanced and joyful.

What to expect

During the initial session you will explore your specific issues and agree on a set of goals – the agenda. You will then need to be able to commit to several sessions. Further appointments can then be agreed on a month by month basis. Follow up sessions may be possible by telephone.