Iillustration showing a note saying "I am enough"
Perfectionism can leave you feeling like you are never good enough

Change your life – Perfectly imperfect

26 May, 2014

For as long as I can remember I’ve wanted to do things ‘per­fectly’ and it’s an absolute nightmare.

Not only are you far more likely to procrastinate – but at its worst it can actually paralyse you because of the fear that whatever you do ‘it won’t be good enough.’

I was talking with some new coaches this week, and we were discussing putting together relevant materials to welcome a new client. Some of them were feeling quite anxious about this and worrying about what to include in their welcome packs.

The maxim ‘nothing avails but perfection’ may be spelled ‘paralysis‘.” — Winston Churchill

The point was made that these materials don’t have to be ‘perfect’ -just get something together, make it as good as you possibly can for now, and you can always improve them later.

The collective sigh was audible! As someone put it: “That’s great – permission to be perfectly imperfect!”

Perfectionism can paralyse. The truth is that we’re NOT per­fect. We will do the very best we can, at the time, and with the resources available to us.

So my tip for this week is to give yourself a break and allow yourself to be Perfectly Imperfect. What you produce may not be 100%, but in most cases you will have the opportunity to improve on it later.

Or, as William Shakespeare aptly put it 400 years ago: “Striving to better, oft we mar what’s well.”


  • Annabel Sutton is a Professional Certified Coach and Author.  She has lived in Los Angeles and Indonesia; survived earthquakes and riots, lived with head-hunters and enjoyed a portfolio career.  She now enjoys a somewhat quieter life in Somerset!  Her latest book, 52 Ways to Transform Your Life (Weekly Wisdom for Busy People), contains 52 inspiring, quick-to-read life tips and is available from http://amzn.to/2nSdMb2 . Find more information at  www.annabelsutton.com.