
How breath stimulates emotion and awareness

How you breathe, and the rhythm of your breath, creates electrical activity in the brain that enhances emotional judgments and memory.

Food labelled ‘snack’ leaves you hungrier than food labelled ‘meal’

Interesting new research shows that the words we use to describe food, as well as how it is presented determines how hungry you will be later on.

Why the clocks changing are great for your brain

Daylight savings is a topic that divides people for all kinds of reasons, but the clocks going back may have real benefits for sufferers of Seasonal Affective Disorder.

To vape or not to vape? The answer is not to vape

Marketed as a safe alternative to cigarettes, new research is showing that vaping produces all the same old toxins – plus some new ones as well.

The menopause: dreaded, derided and seldom discussed

Many women still feel menopause carries a stigma. But what if it was something we thought positively about or were able to discuss openly without fear of derision?

Most new cancer drugs won’t let you live longer or improve your quality of life

A sobering look at recent research which shows that almost two thirds of recently approved cancer drugs are of little benefit to patients.

The ancient clock that rules our lives – and determines our health

Biological clocks or “circadian clocks” help time our sleep patterns, alertness, mood, physical strength, blood pressure and much more.

Which essential oils can help your headache?

Before you reach for that blister pack of painkillers, consider these effective natural essential oils for relieving headache pain.

The GMO oil link to liver disease and more

A genetically-modified (GM) soybean oil used widely in US restaurants can raise the risk of fatty liver disease, and may also lead to changes linked to a higher risk of diabetes.

Three good things could improve your mental well-being in work

A happier, healthier work life is easy to achieve is you learn to consciously focus on the positives according to new research.