
20 September, 2011

Kinesiology is a form of muscle testing used to detect and correct imbalances in our bodies.

It is used to evaluate normal and abnormal body function including testing of the nervous, vascular, and lymphatic systems. Having diagnosed the problem areas, kinesiology aims to restore balance on all levels by activating our body’s natural healing processes.

What conditions is it used for?

Kinesiology can tell us a wealth of information about our bodies. It is sometimes used specifically as a means to detect food allergies and intolerances. A kinesiology treatment is gentle and suitable for people of all ages.

It can relieve pain and stress and promotes health and well-being. It facilitates mental strength, stability and positivity. It can be of particular benefit in releasing both physical and emotional trauma stored in the body and the negative effects this has on us in the present.

What to expect

Your kinesiologist will question you about your diet and lifestyle; rest, sleep and exercise patterns. They will carry out the muscle testing, a gentle, non-invasive technique, whilst you remain fully clothed. They will record any muscle weaknesses, energy imbalances, or nutritional sensitivities.

Your treatment will involve special release techniques to free the stressors causing the problems, which may include gentle touch or firmer massage on specific reflexes to restore balance to muscles which have tested as weak. Your kinesiologist will also give you lifestyle and dietary advice to support your recovery.