
20 September, 2011

Iridology is an form of diagnosis that examines patterns, colours and other characteristics of the iris to determine information about the individuals’ overall health.

The method was pioneered by the Hungarian, Ignaz von Peczely, who watched an owl’s iris change as he helped heal its leg.

In iridology different parts of the body are represented by a different areas in the irises, the left iris tending to represent the left side of the body and the right the right. A completely healthy person should have completely clear irises. Disease or accumulation of toxins in the body results in minute lesions and deposits in the irises which the practitioner can interpret.

What conditions is it used for?

Iridology is a method of diagnosis, rather than a treatment.

What to expect

Using a magnifier and a torch the iridologist identifies constitutional strengths and weaknesses rather than pinpoints specific diseases.