Photo of liqouricei root
More and more studies are demonstrating the anti-diabetic properties of liquorice root

Liquorice root contains anti-diabetic properties

23 April, 2012

Natural Health News — It provides the raw material for candy, calms the stomach and alleviates diseases of the airways. Now researchers have discovered a promising anti-diabetic substance liquorice root.

Chosen as Medicinal Plant of the Year 2012 liquorice root has been treasured in traditional healing since ancient times. Writing in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics in Berlin say substances called amorfrutins, found in liquorice root, not only reduce blood sugar, they are also anti-inflammatory and are very well tolerated.

Because of this they may be suitable for use in the treatment of complex metabolic disorders.

In addition to their ability to reduce blood sugar, and their anti-inflammatory effect, amorfrutins also prevent fatty liver – a common disease caused by excessively fat-rich nutrition.

The scientists warn that drinking liquorice tea or eating liquorice will not help to treat diabetes because there is not a high enough concentration of amorfrutins in these preparations.

Their study, they say, paves the way for producing amorfrutin extracts, which can also be obtained from the Amorpha fruticosa (false indigo) bush, a  native of US, Canada and Mexico, on a much larger scale.

Nevertheless, this is not the first study to discover anti-diabetic substances in liquorice. Last year the constituent Licochalcone E a flavonoid found in the liquorice root was also found possess this quality. Animal studies have also confirmed that the flavonoids in liquorice have an anti-diabetic effects.

In addition liquorice root contains different substances that help to alleviate disorders of the airways and digestive system.

Very high doses of liquorice sustained over a long period of time, however, can cause hypokalemia (low potassium levels) and high blood pressure. If in doubt always consult a professional herbalist.