Photo of passion flower
A tea mdae from passiflora can help to releive tension headaches [Image: Dvortygirl - Wikimedia Commons]

Q&A: Tension headaches

11 November, 2011

Q – I occasionally get headaches, only about one or two a month when working under pressure. I have been put off painkillers with the recent health scares about them and wondered if there was anything natural I can take to relieve them?


A – Most of us will suffer the occasional headache, if they become persistent then visiting a practitioner to identify the underlying cause will be necessary. Acupuncture has a good success record with headaches, but you could also consider a physical therapy such as holistic massage or shiatsu to help release muscular tension that can be a contributory factor.

The most effective herbs for treating tension headaches are passiflora and skullcap. Both these herbs have mild analgesic (pain relieving) properties and help to strengthen the nervous system. You could combine the herbs and make an infusion to drink as a tea, or probably the most convenient, is to buy the tinctures and take a teaspoon in a little water every 3-4 hours.

Dehydration can also contribute to headaches, so make sure you drink plenty of water (at least 1 litre a day).