Q and A

Illustration of herbal medicine

Q&A: Natural remedies for influenza

Herbal remedies, taken as teas or essential oils, can help relieve symptoms of the flu

Photo illustrating leg cramp

Q&A: What to do about leg cramps?

Leg cramps can have multiple causes, which doctors can’t always identify or treat; try these helpful alternatives

Q&A: What’s the best type of water filter?

Lots of us worry about water quality and want to know what the best type of filtration is; but what’s ‘best’ often depends on what you want to filter out

Photo of a woman holding a hot water bottle

Q&A: Natural relief from PMS

Uncomfortable symptoms of PMS vary from woman to woman; before reaching for something stronger, try these natural alternatives

Photo of an e-cigarette

Q&A: Are e-cigarettes a healthier option?

They are being sold as fashion accessories and as a means of helping smokers quit – but all indications are the e-cigarettes are just as harmful as the real thing

Q&A: Why should I worry about non-food GMOs?

It’s a question that needs to be asked: if you don’t eat them are GMOs OK? The answer is definitely NO!

Photo of various types of grape seed flour

Q&A: What is grape seed flour?

Grape seed flour is a relatively new cooking ingredient that is packed with antioxidants and other healthy nutrients – have you tried it yet?

Q&A: What to do about water retention?

Water retention can leave you feeling puffy and uncomfortable – fortunately natural relief is at hand

Photo of a foot with a daisy flower between the first and the second toe

Q&A – What are the alternatives for treating fungal nail infections?

Whatever remedy you choose, fungal nail infections take patience and time time to treat

Q&A: What’s the best way to winter-proof my skin?

Winter weather can make skin look up to 5 years older – here’s how to keep it supple, healthy and glowing