Health Tips

Quick relief for sunburn and sunstroke

Even the most careful individuals do occasionally get burned – or overcome by the summer heat; here are some great natural treatments to help.

Silhouette of people jumping in nature

7 simple ways to boost your energy

Try these seven essential tips for boosting energy and maintaining vitality – and don’t forget to take our cool Vitality Quiz

Neck pain? Try these essential oils

Occasional neck pain, for instance after exercise or a restless night’s sleep, can be eased with essential oil massage

photo of a women in a field of flowers

Try probiotics for hay fever

If you are suffering from hay fever, you might not think the root cause could be in your gut; probiotic supplements could help you find relief

photo of a woman pracicing tai chi

Exercise – you don’t need to feel the burn to get the benefits

Regular light or gentle exercise such as yoga may provide the same benefit, in terms of reducing your risk of heart disease, as more vigorous physical activities

Photo of a depressed woman

Treating mild depression with homoeopathy

Gentle natural remedies like homoeopathy can help lift the gloom in cases of mild depression; here are some suggestions

Photo of oats

Oat milk – a natural sedative and stress-reliever

Oats are nutritious and have natural sedative properties; with added herbs they can be turned into the perfect nighttime drink for when you need to unwind and get a restful night’s sleep

photo of passionflowers

Natural remedies for insomnia

If occasional sleeplessness is a problem, there are gentle, natural remedies that can help. Here are some of our favourites.

Do you need a detox?

You don’t need to have an illness to detox. These days, many people make it a yearly ritual as they find the benefits so positive.

photo of warm spiced apple juice

Winter soothers for colds, coughs and flu

Try these soothing herbal recipes to help deal effectively with cold and flu symptoms.