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You searched for 'glyphosate'

Organic diet cuts cancer risk

New research from France, involving 69,000 people, suggests that people who frequently eat organic foods have a 25% lower overall risk of developing cancer.

Roundup for breakfast? Weedkiller found in kids cereals in the US

Glyphosate, the active ingredient in the weedkiller Roundup, was found in all but two of 45 samples of products made with conventionally grown oats.

Jury orders Monsanto to pay $289 million in Roundup cancer trial

In the first of many pending trials in the US, a California jury has ruled that the herbicide glyphosate (Roundup) can cause cancer.

Three pesticides down – many to go

The EU has just banned three toxic pesticides – now, what about the rest?

What’s making our children sick – and what we can do about it

With chronic disorders among children in the developed world reaching epidemic levels, parents are desperately seeking solutions to their children’s declining health; a new book could help.

Added ingredients make pesticide formulations more toxic

The added ingredients in pesticide formulations can make the mixture many times more toxic, but regulators aren’t testing for this effect say UK scientists.

People can taste pesticides in wine, study shows

A blind test of both organic and non-organic French wines, has shown that humans can identify pesticides by taste and that this skill can be learned.

Gluten-free products – not as healthy as we think?

There’s more to a healthy gluten-free lifestyle than avoiding gluten. Studies show that gluten-free products can be less nutritious than conventional ones, often higher in fat, salt and sugar and lower in fibre.

Plastic pollution – beyond cosmetic microbeads

Polyester and acrylic clothing sheds hundreds of thousands of plastic fibres each time it is washed – and guess where it ends up? A new perspective on what pollutes our oceans.

Antibiotics – the latest threat to our bees

How the ‘factory farming’ approach to honey threatens our precious pollinators

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