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You searched for 'stress'

Photo of oats

Oat milk – a natural sedative and stress-reliever

Oats are nutritious and have natural sedative properties; with added herbs they can be turned into the perfect nighttime drink for when you need to unwind and get a restful night’s sleep

photo of a woman meditating

Reduce stress to keep blood sugar under control

Practicing a method of meditation known as Mind Body Stress Reduction (MBSR) can help overweight or obese women control blood glucose

photo of a woman examining her skin in the mirror

How stress affects your skin

Stress can make our skin look and feel worse worse; here’s the ‘science bit’ on why – and what you can do about it

photo of a woman looking thoughtful

Online mindfulness courses can help reduce work stress

Mindfulness can be taught through online courses, with many positive effects on health and well being, say UK researchers

Photo of a chocolate cupcake

Stressed? Depressed? Stay away from high fat meals!

Eating a high fat meal when you are stressed – even if it contains ‘healthy’ fats – can significantly slow your metabolism down, say scientists

Photo of a stressed woman eating junk food

Stress makes the health effects of bad food even worse

A high stress lifestyle and a junk food diet are a dangerous combination that substantially raises your risk of metabolic syndrome

Photo of a dandelion in a field

Want seasonal allergy relief? Don’t stress!

Allergy season is gearing up – and being stressed could mean you are more likely to suffer flare-ups

Photo of a woman with a migraine

Migraine attacks can increase following stress “let-down”

New evidence shows that in the calm that follows a period of stress can leave us more vulnerable to migraine attacks and more

Photo of a blood pressure cuff

Curb hypertension with mindfulness-based stress reduction

Meditation and yoga can “prevent or delay” the need for antihypertensive medications in cases of borderline high blood pressure

Photo of stacked stones against a peaceful green background

Meditation’s stress-busting effect could slow Alzheimer’s progression

Brain changes associated with meditation could help slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias

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