Natural News Archive

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June 2014

Photo of hand shiatsu massage

Shiatsu massage aids sleep, reduces pain

Shiatsu massage may help those suffering from chronic pain to prepare for sleep and stay asleep for longer

30 June, 2014
photo of two hands holding cocoa beans

Cocoa-based supplement signals hope for Alzheimer’s

Scientists find that a minimally processed cocoa extract may prevent or reduce the damage to nerve pathways found in Alzheimer’s disease

26 June, 2014
close up photo of a pregnant belly

Calcium/vitamin D combo improves gestational diabetes

Calcium plus vitamin D supplementation could improve the metabolic profile of women suffering from gestational diabetes – and benefit their babies too

26 June, 2014
Photo of a box of Kellogg's crave

Fortified cereals and snack foods could pose risk to kids’ health

Cereals and snack bars, with little else to recommend them nutritionally, can be ‘over-fortified’ with certain nutrients, say researchers

25 June, 2014
Photo of a loaf of white bread

White bread boosts gut-friendly bacteria

If you love white bread, but feel guilty about eating it, here’s some good news about its nutritional benefits

24 June, 2014

Link between agricultural pesticides and autism revealed

Exposure to a range of commonly used agricultural pesticides in utero can substantially raise a child’s risk of developing autism

24 June, 2014
Photo of a rat with a mammary tumour

Séralini study on GMO/Roundup toxicity republished

The controversial study showing high levels of kidney and liver toxicity – and unexpected tumours – in rats fed a diet of GMOs and Round-up is returned to the scientific, peer-reviewed literature

24 June, 2014
close up photo of broccoli sprouts

Broccoli sprout juice aids detox

A fascinating new study has shown that a beverage made with broccoli sprouts helps the body rid itself of cancer-causing chemicals

18 June, 2014
photo of a family walking

‘Walkable’ neighbourhoods reduce obesity, diabetes

If you build it they will walk…How we build our urban environments has a direct impact on our health, say scientists

18 June, 2014
Photo illustrating brain fog

Gluten-free diet clears ‘brain fog’ in those with coeliac disease

Gluten sensitivity doesn’t just affect the gut, it can affect the brain as well leading to loss of focus and memory; but a change of diet could help

17 June, 2014